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The innocence of this young girl in Bhutan captivated me and caused me to wonder: What might this young soul become? Her fresh, open, unprotected gaze prompted deep reflection. Will she become a doctor, teacher, nun, mother, artist, entrepreneur, or a melding of many things?

Looking back upon this image today, I sense promise. She is at the beginning of her journey. I hope she has been surrounded by loving, generous, kind, and wise adults who continue to be dream believers. Why? Because I believe every child deserves to have her, his, or their place, plans, and hopes nourished, enlarged, and embraced.

Possibly, she is already well on her way to becoming the world’s next great civil rights leader, or an amazing scientist about to make an important discovery, or a peacekeeper who guides her community to greater harmony and compassion. Perhaps she will be a maker of images that when released to viewers worldwide are no longer held in the circle of creator and created, but enter intimate relationship with countless viewers. Astonished by the possibility in her gaze, we wonder and dream dreams.


18 x 24 inches (45.72 x 60.96 cm)

24 x 32 inches (60.96 x  81.28 cm)

30 x 40 inches (76.2   x  101.6 cm)

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