The Geisha, renowned for her impeccable skill in the classical arts, is rare and exotic. Although her appearance is a symbol of Japan, most Japanese have never seen one. The Geisha was conceived in the 17th century for the entertainment of elite courtesans and their clients. Highly trained in courtly manners, she provides an illusion of seduction and exclusivity to the most powerful Japanese. But she is not a prostitute; her sexuality is entirely private.
Inside this concealed society, political decisions are made, and business negotiations conducted. Through her expertise, the Geisha intricately formulates an environment of luxury and beauty necessary to bear fruit for her client. This service is rendered at an astronomical fee. And since her occupation relies on her discretion, secrecy is vitally important. It is sad to imagine that this living art, known as the Geisha, is a dying one. There are less than 100 left in all of Japan.