Read full story in Spirituality & Health Magazine.

“Do it for them.” These are the words that Lisa Kristine, humanitarian photographer, had written on her hand as she approached the stage about to give a talk to a large audience on modern-day slavery. For 25 years, Kristine has followed her twin passions of photography and anthropology, seeking out remote indigenous peoples and places to photograph. She has travelled to over six continents, and always her work maintains a fierce sense of depth. She captures the dignity of distant peoples, the expansive beauty of the natural world, and her most recent work focuses on humanizing and telling the stories of enslaved peoples.

A woman living and breathing her mission, Kristine is also the mother of two young children. When she is at home, she starts every day walking in solitude for an hour with her dog. She shares that “Once you open up to your sense of purpose in the world, the gift that comes back is tenfold.” Here, Paul Sutherland interviews Lisa Kristine as she comes out from behind the camera to “Do it for them.”

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