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Joy | Cité Soleil, Haiti

This young girl, with her effervescent smile, lived in Cité Soleil, in Haiti. I met her in what I knew to be one of the most impoverished communities in the region. The shanty town is full of humanity but also distress, violence, gangs, and unsanitary health conditions that endanger and are common to people living in poverty. Despite the surroundings, her joy was authentic and seemed to spring from her inner soul. Surrounded by people who surely loved her and provided security, I recall best her unabashed giggles. They were continuous, rising like air bubbles in water.

I look at her raised hand most often. She was in the middle of gesturing, and her entire body amplified her laugh. I adore that hand and the energy it projects.

In my girlhood, I laughed most often when I was with animals: my dog, bunnies, snakes, and even a huge 3 pound African bullfrog. I named her My Funny Little Valentine. Naturally, she consumed rodents which eventually caused me to return her to the pet shop because I couldn’t bear watching her eat those cute little mice.

Being in nature was another source of joy. I still love being outside. One of my son’s memories is of me coming home from my long morning hike smelling like a copper penny. It’s a visceral preciousness to his and my connection to nature and upon reflection, brings joy. What is the source of your joy? It’s a delightful topic to contemplate and with luck, might involve giggling.

Limited Edition


18 x 24 inches (45.72 x 60.96 cm) $2500

24 x 32 inches (60.96 x 81.28 cm) $3500

30 x 40 inches (76.2 x 101.6 cm) $5000

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