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Eriashi | Japan

With precision, the aspiring geisha, known as a maiko, meticulously practices the iconic makeup application, including the sacred ritual of drawing eriashi (neck lines), the two vertical lines drawn that leave the nape of the neck exposed symbolizing not just her apprenticeship, but the profound legacy of delicate artistry handed down through generations. Void of white waxes and powders, the upswept hair and strategically sculpted neckline of her kimono draw attention to a maiko’s bare neck skin. The deliberate strokes are an emblem of identity and lineage that frame what is also believed to be the most erotic part of a woman’s body.

What I love most about this image is the greenery beyond her, and specifically, her contemplation on it. We were together in a centuries-old temple that had a rock garden and these marvelous organic ornamental bushes, and trees. The green temple gardens a serene sanctuary, where the lush foliage intertwines with history, inviting contemplation and providing a timeless connection to nature’s tranquility. I wanted all of her woman-made beauty stylized to perfection to be surrounded by the mirroring perfection of nature. There is exquisite resonance between the greenery’s color and texture and the maiko’s ornamentation, poise and dignity.

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